Monday, March 8, 2010

Integrity, Endurance and Bearing by Max Garcia

The next three leadership characteristics we will discuss are "integrity, endurance and bearing".

Integrity is a tough one but obvious. Some will simply say integrity is telling the truth. When it comes to motivational leadership I say it can be and is much more. Depending on what you are doing integrity can simply mean do you practice what you preach as a leadership speaker or boss. Subordinates love to talk trash about a manager that says do as I say not as I do because they require one thing but do the opposite like they are above the rules. For others, do you believe in the product you sell and swear by to make money? Do you even own it yourself. The list goes on.

Endurance is powerful one for motivational leadership if you use it to your advantage. Here's the thing, if it is a busy day, tough week, bad day ect and you are dragging your feet because you are tired as a boss you will lose. Your people will not respect you if you drag your but. How could you possibly expect them to work hard, fast and efficiently if you are a slug. The opposite is true if you are the opposite. That is why a good leadership speaker will be on fire with energy during his or her speech. People sub consciously feed off of each other. This leadership characteristic is very important for those in the military where physical fitness is also weighed heavily.

Bearing is our last but not so obvious rarely talked about of the leadership characteristics. As a leader you have to keep your cool no matter what kind of stress presents it self. You must use tact when dealing with those senior to you no matter how you personally feel. A person trying to practice motivational leadership can not take out his or her personal problems on the subordinates. A great leadership speaker once told me that nothing is ever good or bad. It just is. When you think that way it will be easier for you to control your bearing during times of challenge.

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