Friday, March 19, 2010

How Marines Give a Period of Instruction by Max Garcia

*Gain Attention*

You as a inspirational speakers or as a business speaker must first gain the attention and rapport of your audience. This is 2010, most people have so much on their minds. Everything from learning how to operate their new cell phone to downloading and installing that new software on to their PC and making their meeting on time with traffic along with a million other things zooming through their minds. Not to mention the economy and they are listening to business speakers for guidance on improving their lives. Not like the old days of hanging with the neighbor and the occasional call to relatives via land line.

There are many things you can do to gain attention. You can play a video, tell a heart capturing story, tell a joke, read something, sing a song, the list goes on as the possibilities are unlimited. I highly suggest making your gain attention relate to what you are going to talk about. Inspirational speakers or even a business speaker trying to motivate people to make money might tell a story about the poor childhood of an underdog who struck it rich. Business speakers ect should also make every effort to do what Marine Corps instructors call "what's in it for me" somewhere during the intro section of your speech. Something should be included in your gain attention or other parts of your intro that gives a listener a reason to want to pay attention to you. For example a business speaker could say something like "with the information you will learn today you will now be able to increase your sales ultimately making more money for you and your family". People hear more money obviously they are listening now.

Often when Marines give safety education they will first play a video of someone getting badly hurt because they didn't follow the safety rules. Inspirational speakers love telling their life story first so that the audience knows they are real people with real challenges, ultimately making the listener feel like, "if they can do it I can do it". More on introductions for business speakers ect to come soon. Have a blessed day.

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