Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Believe in Your Product and Sell by Max Garcia

If you are a sales speaker and you are not selling at the volume you want to, could it be that the challenge is you and not the customer. Most people in business speaking think there employees need sales motivation. While sometimes that is the case for those who are lazy or with out incentives, but for many it is the connection between the product or service and the sales speaker. Point blank, if the sales speaker does not have his heart in it then he will not be effective. You can send him to as many business speaking classes that are available, it boils down to the sales speaker believing in the product. Sales motivation lies in the product. If you were selling the cure for swine flu how much would your heart be in making sure the right people got the product. How's that for sales motivation?

Have you ever been to Best Buy? Of course, we all have. You ever notice how strong some of those employees feel about some brands over others? They don't hesitate to tell you with emphasis there opinion. Usually this opinion causes most people to listen to the employee and purchase the recommended product. The funny thing is that these people don't go to business speaking seminars or sales motivation speeches. Best buy just hires people who are passionate about electronics. They don't even make commission. The moral of the story is this... Sell only products you believe in, if you are selling anything else get out.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More on the Power of Prayer by Max Garcia

In reference to the last blog posted I will go a little deeper on the importance of prayer for business speakers and especially inspirational speakers. You see, as a business speaker a few minutes of prayer will do wonders for your business, especially if you say the right things in the prayer. Not only will it connect you with the supreme power before you begin your speech or presentation, just the silence in your mind alone for a few minutes will work wonders for any business speaker. The more the merrier on this. Like I said before, a little prayer or meditation through out the days you are in preparation so you have your God guiding you but also the day of. When you pray or meditate the day of you are opening up your ability to hear God's messages and guidance. This will also help business speakers and inspirational speakers alike calm down, think clearly and deliver a power punching presentation.

Inspirational speakers may want to pray something like "God, thank you for helping me to increase life in others today", thank you for helping me to enrich their lives through you in your name". Business speakers might also want to say the same depending on the circumstances. A business speaker might go bold by saying "God, I thank you for showing me the way to a career better than I ever thought possible". Last and most important, notice I never said to keep asking God over and over again. Ask once and then re affirm your faith by stating thank you for what ever it is you want even though you don't see it yet. Yes, this is how you demonstrate faith.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pray before you spray by Max Garcia

If you are a leadership speaker of any kind, there is one ingredient you must include to ensure a successful speech.... PRAYER. I fully realized this just a few days ago when I spoke at the Non-Commissioned Officers leadership course at Marine Corps air station Yuma, AZ. It was an honor to be asked to give these young leaders some motivational leadership, and teach a little bit about leadership characteristics.

I must admit, this morning I was nervous to the point of nausia to speak in front of so many students and so many guest since it was at the graduation. There was a lot of high ranking officers and Sr Enlisted present. As a leadership speaker who harps on leadership characteristics and motivational leadership, I always pray before speaking to a group of people. If it is a longer presentation I will also pray several days in advance while in preparation, especially the night before. This time I prayed and asked God to expand my territory and give me the ability to enhance the lives and abilities of our nations leaders as their leadership speaker.

I know that prayer always helps but this time I really know that it did because I even prayed in the back of the room before getting introduced. I don't know how to explain it but something just came over me and powerful words of leadership characteristics and motivational leadership flowed like water out of my mouth. I was shocked during the speech myself. I also received incredible feed back from many high ranking Marines. Stay tuned to my website as I am considering posting some of the speech up for view!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Affirmations for Self Esteem by Max Garcia

Once again I always get so much feed back when I teach affirmations I will give you a couple for building self confidence. Many people want to improve confidence but those same people go around saying things like I'm shy, I feel embarrassed to call him or her. Personal confidence starts in the mind and is re enforced by the words that come out of your mouth. For example, when building self confidence to start a new job or anything that requires meeting new people, or before a party you might say an affirmation like "People love me, people are interested in every word I say, I am a people magnet". Say that a few times when you are wanting to get a date at the party and see what happens to your personal confidence once you actually start speaking to people. Something will come over you like magic.

As always, when trying to improve confidence don't question the affirmation you are saying, as long as you say it with out judgement your subconscious mind will act on it regardless if you want it to or not. That is why it is so wrong for us to say things like I am shy, I feel stupid ect (forget you even read those words). Building self confidence is something that so many people defeat themselves in before they even get started.

You can get as creative as you want with affirmations to improve confidence. By now, if you are thinking you want some affirmations to listen to for a bigger effect along with some other solutions for personal confidence check out my new DVD called have confidence

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Filling a Space in Your Brain for Success by Max Garcia

I always get such good feedback on the affirmations I decided to give you a little more. If you are a Christian speaker giving motivational speeches or you just want to improve your motivational leadership style, affirmations are great! Basically, all an affirmation does is give you a way to engage your subconscious mind and the law of attraction easier. For this reason I call it filling a space in your brain. Now stay with me here. When you speak something positive or negative your brain does not know if it is true or not. It will act on your statements regardless.

The famous Christian speaker Norman Vincent Peale suggest that you start off every day saying "I believe it's going to be a great day". He does not say this just for general purpose in his motivational speeches, he says it because when you say something of that nature your brain will look for things through out the day to make it a "great day" causing you to have better days. I use this as a motivational leadership tool all the time with my Marines. Big inspection coming up from higher, I will start saying things to them like "we are the best at prepairing for inspections, the inspectors always love us". They think I am just using motivational leadership to pump them up by giving motivational speeches. In reality they have no idea I am talking directly to their brain. My favorite christian speaker Joel Osteen does the same in every one of his motivational speeches. Of course his affirmations also help you get in touch with God which is amazing. I will discuss that and the law of attraction later. For now start speaking what you want to happen.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Affirmations to Increase Sales by Max Garcia

This one is for the sales speaker trying to increase business. I am going to give some affirmations anyone can say at any time, not just for sales motivation but for no joke shifting the universe to get you more money through sales. Many people hired to do business speaking will try to increase sales through simple sales motivation incentives. Here's the deal, the person doing the business speaking can give bonuses and incentives all he or she wants but if the sales speaker is not projecting the right signal in to the universe nothing will happen.

This is a law of attraction issue, just trust me on this one. If you are the sales speaker actually knocking on doors or presenting a product to a group of people say these words out loud (say it even if you don't believe it): Everyone wants my product (with emphasis)! I am the best salesman/woman in the company! Selling is easy for me (move your body when you say for increased results)!

If you are the one doing the business speaking teaching others sales motivation say these words with emphasis: I have the best employees! My employees are increasing sales everyday. My sales associates love me! They want to work for me! They are selling more and more every day because of my teachings. You must program your brain and send telepathic messages to their brains. That is exactly what you do when you use affirmations like these.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meditate for Success

I'll get straight to the point on this one. If you are a business speaker and have not learned to meditate yet you are behind the power curve. So many business speakers have no idea how much better they would do if they only meditated on occasion. Most inspirational speakers will tell you that they always meditate and/or pray before going on in front of a crowd. We all know that what business speakers do everyday people fear the most, public speaking.

Public speaking is the number one fear among adults. People would rather play with snakes or sky dive than give a five minute speech to their peers. I just spoke with a good friend of mine today, an author named Jose Quezada who told me in college when given a choice students would pick writing a long paper over a five minute presentation. So if you are a business speaker or those that are inspirational speakers congratulate yourself. What most adults don't realize is that if they could just stop the chatter in their head for a few moments they would be more confident and effective when given the task to speak.

If you are a business speaker and have not learned meditation don't worry I have you covered for now. Just find a quiet place you can sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed and think nothing. It will probably be hard for you to think nothing the first time but you are still getting great benefit. Inspirational speakers like Marshall Sylver will tell you that it is just your conscious mind letting go. I will give more instructions for business speakers on meditation soon.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Patience and Leadership by Max Garcia

I know it can be so hard to be patient sometimes. Patience is one of the leadership characteristics most people lack. Most people choose to blame the employee or the boss for everything. This is not motivational leadership, this is simply not accepting responsibility.

A great leadership speaker once told me that an effective communicator takes responsibility for both sides of the communication. This leadership speaker named Marshall Sylver said "like it or not, it is your responsibility to communicate clearly, and it is also your responsibility to ensure the other person understood you correctly". That is motivational leadership.
The Marines took that one step further with the leadership principal that states "ensure the task is understood supervised and accomplished". When things fall through the cracks these are the type of leadership characteristics I bring up.

The leadership characteristics you choose to take on will make or break you and your company. People are quick to play the blame game in business. Businesses who encourage leadership characteristics like team player while using words like united we stand divided we fall, always bounce back. When you use motivational leadership over bull headed leadership people will want to work for you. A real leadership speaker will tell you that an effective manager does not have to use fear to get his or her point across.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Confidence at work by Max Garcia

Do you have trouble with personal confidence at work? Most people do suffer from low self esteem but do little to improve confidence for themselves. How often at your new job, seminar, or family reunion do you run out of things to talk about. I will give you some ways for building self confidence starting today. As with most things I teach, preparation is key for building self confidence. As I am driving to work, the seminar, or the dinner if I am by myself I am talking to myself the whole way. Most people talk to themselves inside their head but it is usually negative talk. This does not improve confidence, in fact it kills personal confidence and self esteem. Trust me on this now... You need to be saying things out loud to yourself while driving to your event or while getting ready. You can say positive things in your head but it will not improve confidence as much as speaking out loud. You must say things like "people love me, people want to give me money, people want to do things for me, I always have great conversation with the right people"! This will sub consciously give a major boost to your personal confidence. Remember, building self confidence is totally mental, your brain does not have a choice to respond to your words.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Confidence With the Opposite Sex and Cigars by Max Garcia

Last weekend I went to a cigar event in my local cigar store. When I first got there I have to admit my personal confidence was not where it usually is. It ended up being a lesson in building self confidence that I will be able to teach in my next DVD. My wife ran next door to the grocery store to get some beer. While she was gone I had no one to talk to, like many people I felt uncomfortable. It was only a few minutes but it felt like hours. I thought wait a second, I teach people how to improve confidence. What can I learn here to teach others. As soon as I thought that I noticed to young ladies purchasing a couple boxes of nice Drew Estate cigars. As a big fan of all drew estate cigars I was dying to know what they purchased. Now that I had something to talk about my personal confidence instantly improved. We spoke for a while on the subject even after my wife returned and was introduced.

I realized, this is a way to improve confidence for single people. Go to a cigar event or other event you are interested in to meet other singles. Because we had something in common I knew that they knew I was not hitting on them and that alone was building self confidence in all of us. I thought to myself there is definitely something to this. For anyone single looking to improve confidence when dealing with the opposite sex, forget bars and clubs where women especially have their guard up ready to wound your personal confidence. Instead, look to meet people in your comfort zone while you are building self confidence in dealing with the opposite sex.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Preparation Tips for Speaking

It doesn't matter if you are an inspirational speaker or a business speaker, preparation is key. Many business speakers think they are good enough to just "wing it". Now for everyday leadership or just passing word for the next day second nature will carry you through. However, if you are an inspirational speaker trying to move people emotionally or a business speaker giving professional education to your company it is a must that you have an effective plan for preparation. It is very obvious when business speakers don't plan ahead and they lose instant credibility in their audience.

Here is one huge tip for any speaking engagement that I do often. First and most important, every business speaker must rehearse. When I say rehearse I mean you must execute the whole thing like it is game day. If you are using a slide show then you must go through every slide and discuss the different topics out loud to yourself. This will help you to avoid talking to the screen during your presentation and allow you more eye contact with your audience. Not only that, you will be able to make sure every slide looks how you want it to in the slide show mode but also the editing mode. This is very important if you are an inspirational speaker as you need to be enthusiastic, not confused about your own media. You may have a slide or two hidden and not even realize it. You also must run through every slide an hour or so before you actually go on using the actual gear and personnel that will be utilized. You will be surprised at how many surprises you will catch ahead of time. It is a fact that many CEOs and upper management are not good business speakers or people type people. If this is you get help, check out my trailer on confidence.