Saturday, September 19, 2009

Speaking, the Number One Fear

Most inspirational speakers will tell you that speaking is the number one fear among people. People would rather face snakes, or earth quakes than become a business speaker. If you think all the way back to your childhood you will realize the reason most people avoid business speaking is due their past experiences. We were embarrassed, made fun of or teased by teachers, students, family, friends and the list goes on. Even if it only happened a couple times it can have a lasting effect if you don’t learn how to deal with it. Some inspirational speakers call this previous programming. What they mean is that the experience programs the mind to have negative association for future experiences. This is why we usually hear people say that they hate being in front of people. These same people avoid any business speaking at all. Do you avoid saying what is on your mind during a meeting because you fear you might sound foolish? Do you dread having to give a presentation as a business speaker yourself? If so think back to what happened in the past that may have caused this feeling.

The same happens when someone has a bad relationship experience, the person involved fears the possibility of repeating the process so they avoid a potentially great relationship. This also happens in business relationships where the boss is lied to and taken advantage of by an employee they trusted. The next time the boss gets a new employee he or she will have their mental guard up right from the start, making it harder to establish trust. The same goes for the business speaker who messes up one presentation and so he or she avoids doing future presentations. If you have fears about business speaking I have a new program on confidence you want to look at or enroll in one of my personal coaching programs. The good news is that you can be the best business speaker your company has ever seen regardless of how you feel now. You just need a coach that can teach you how to change the way you speak to yourself. I have learned some great tactics from inspirational speakers over the years that everyone should know. I am dying to share.

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