Thursday, September 17, 2009

Measuring morale in Business by Max Garcia

What do you and your business speakers do to determine the needs, wants, and satisfaction of customers? Of the employees? What would you do in sales motivation to improve gathering, distributing, or applying such information? What words would you choose as a sales speaker? Is Sales motivation even needed?

In most organizations, there is no way to determine the satisfaction of its members. If there is a good sales speaker in place, he or she can take the time to put in any plan or policy they choose. For me personally, I have meetings with my Non Commissioned Officers (working, lower level managers) about once a month. During this meeting I send away all the Staff Non-Commissioned officers (supervisors), and talk with the Non Commissioned Officers about different issues. Kind of like an upper manager who does sales motivation talking directly with the shift managers to find out the real scoop. For me the Non-Commissioned Officers are usually on their third to fifth year in the Marines with one or two overseas deployments worth of experience. They are the first person in the chain of command to the lowest level of workers. They are responsible for a twenty-six ton vehicle, all the Marines it carries, maintenance, and weapons employment. Needless to say their opinion is not taken lightly. One of the first things I do and what you can do as business speakers is point out that what is said in the meeting, stays in the meeting. Business speakers could do the same with the people they want to motivate. In fact, any sales speaker can do the same.

This is their opportunity to inform you as the CEO about any issues that need to be addressed. Most people will not ask business speakers their question in front of everyone. For me it is also a time to ask questions about certain workers that I am concerned about. If I noticed one Marine is not himself lately then I can ask someone who is closely working with that person. During these meetings things are not as formal to enable smooth communication. No matter what is said I do not react with anger or frustration because I am in fact asking for the information. This form of communication has been very effective for my unit as a whole.

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