Friday, November 6, 2009

Confidence Through Gratitude

Gratitude is the quickest way to anything you want in life. Personal confidence is no exception to the rule. When you feel the butterflies in your stomach and you want to improve confidence because you are about to give a presentation, go on a date, ask for a date, ect., start by saying thank you to your God for giving you powerful personal confidence. Give thanks to the universe or what ever works for you, just say thank you while you are building self confidence for any occasion.

You may start by being grateful and giving thanks for how much you have been able to improve confidence from your past, acknowledging you have come a long way. Then directly after that say thanks for what ever you are about to need personal confidence for ("thank you, thank you for building self confidence in me so I can deliver a presentation that improves lives", "I am so happy and grateful for my ability to improve confidence and rise to the occasion"). Regardless of how the presentation, date, test, ect. goes ensure you express gratitude, this will put in motion your success at what ever is next while bringing more good your way.

These are just a few examples of what you can do when building self confidence. For more ways to instantly improve your confidence in a big way check out my web site at

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