Monday, October 12, 2009

Patience and Leadership by Max Garcia

I know it can be so hard to be patient sometimes. Patience is one of the leadership characteristics most people lack. Most people choose to blame the employee or the boss for everything. This is not motivational leadership, this is simply not accepting responsibility.

A great leadership speaker once told me that an effective communicator takes responsibility for both sides of the communication. This leadership speaker named Marshall Sylver said "like it or not, it is your responsibility to communicate clearly, and it is also your responsibility to ensure the other person understood you correctly". That is motivational leadership.
The Marines took that one step further with the leadership principal that states "ensure the task is understood supervised and accomplished". When things fall through the cracks these are the type of leadership characteristics I bring up.

The leadership characteristics you choose to take on will make or break you and your company. People are quick to play the blame game in business. Businesses who encourage leadership characteristics like team player while using words like united we stand divided we fall, always bounce back. When you use motivational leadership over bull headed leadership people will want to work for you. A real leadership speaker will tell you that an effective manager does not have to use fear to get his or her point across.

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