Saturday, October 17, 2009

Affirmations to Increase Sales by Max Garcia

This one is for the sales speaker trying to increase business. I am going to give some affirmations anyone can say at any time, not just for sales motivation but for no joke shifting the universe to get you more money through sales. Many people hired to do business speaking will try to increase sales through simple sales motivation incentives. Here's the deal, the person doing the business speaking can give bonuses and incentives all he or she wants but if the sales speaker is not projecting the right signal in to the universe nothing will happen.

This is a law of attraction issue, just trust me on this one. If you are the sales speaker actually knocking on doors or presenting a product to a group of people say these words out loud (say it even if you don't believe it): Everyone wants my product (with emphasis)! I am the best salesman/woman in the company! Selling is easy for me (move your body when you say for increased results)!

If you are the one doing the business speaking teaching others sales motivation say these words with emphasis: I have the best employees! My employees are increasing sales everyday. My sales associates love me! They want to work for me! They are selling more and more every day because of my teachings. You must program your brain and send telepathic messages to their brains. That is exactly what you do when you use affirmations like these.

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